OSD – Default User Settings

This post will guide you through how to make user settings apply to all users who login to the machine

We do this by temporarily mounting the Default User hive and injecting the required settings into the appropriate place.

Mount the Default User Hive

Add a new “Run Command Line” step, give it a suitable name and then add the following command line:

Make note of the “HKU\DU” portion – this will replace all references to HKU  or HKEY_CURRENT_USER and ensures your settings are applied correctly

Add Your Registry Keys

Here will will add the registry setting that will hide the People Icon from the Taskbar

Hide People Button

So first, we need to add another “Run Command Line” step, name it – in the example above I named it “Modify Registry – Hide People Button”

Next, in the command line enter:


Repeat all this until you have added all your registry keys

Other settings I use are:

Default LockScreen

This only works on Server 2016 and Windows 10 Enterprise or Education Editions

Just replace “<PATH>\lockscreen.jpg” with the path to your desired lockscreen file.

Remove 3D Builder Folder

(Notice that this is in the “Local Machine” portion of the Registry, but works just the same here!

Show the Search Icon:

Set Powershell on Win X (Right clicking the start menu)

(Though I think this one is redundant now since windows 10 v1709 – but still valid for Server 2012 & 2016)


Set Cortana Voice  (eg UK Susan)

Change this to suit your language – and ensure you’ve installed the correct Language pack and additions!

Unmount the Default User Hive

This is similar to the “Mount the Default Hive” step, but with this command line:



5 thoughts on “OSD – Default User Settings

  1. Michael

    Thanks for the post really handy. Whats the reg edit to remove the 3d builder folder?

    1. Craig Wilson Post author

      Updated the post now for you – I’m working to get all the task sequence steps added as quickly as I can 🙂

  2. Kym B

    Thanks Craig – Do you know of a way to set a custom desktop wallpaper as part of this process?


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