OSD – Monitoring OSD Deployments

Unfortunately, ConfigMgr doesn’t have a default filter for monitoring what is happening during an OS Deployment

Fortunately, it is rather easy to create a filter yourself

Open the Console and head to the Monitoring section, expand System Status and then on “Status Message Queries”

Now, Click on the “Create Status Message Query” on the ribbon..

Enter a name for your query – (EG OSD Deployment Monitoring) then click  on Edit Query Statement

Click “Show Query Language” and copy the following code into the box:

the text that is preceded by ## will act as a prompt for you later.

The window should now look like this:

Click OK until all the dialogs are closed.

Your query is almost ready to run.. All we need now is the Deployment ID you want to monitor.

This is obtained by going to your Task Sequence, Clicking on the “Deployments” tab and adding the “Deployment ID” column

Make a note of the Deployment ID then go back to your query in Statue Message Queries and run your query by selecting it and clicking “Show Messages” (Don’t double click it or you will open the editor!)

Click the “Property Value” and either type in your Deployment ID, or click on “Load Existing” and find it in the dropdown box

Finally, click on Time and choose the appropriate time range.

Your query will now be running and you can refresh (or set an auto-refresh) to see where your deployment is up to!


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