Author Archives: Gattancha Computer Services

OSD – Enforce Default User Background

To ensure that the same background is applied to all users when they log in, you can add two Task Sequence steps that will automatically set their background to whatever you specificy it to be..

Then we can set the style, or how it will apply… There are 6 possible values:

Rermember to… Read More »

OSD – Remove Edge Icon from Windows 10

Here is how to remove the Edge Icon from the desktop on Windows 1803: Create a new “Run Command Line” step with the following command:

And voila – the Icon is gone! (Credit for Reg Hack goes to  NathanielArnoldR2 on Reddit)

OSD – Activate VM using Hyper-V AVMA Key

If you are running Hyper-V on Windows Server 2016 DataCenter, then one nice feature is that you can activate VMs running a Server Standard / DataCenter guest OS using a special “Automatic Virtual Machine Activation” key. The keys are: So naturally, I incorporated it as a step in my Task Sequences for Server deployments. First,… Read More »

OSD – Remove Builtin Apps from Windows 10

For those not using LTSB but still want to remove all those builtin apps that come with Windows 10, the following script is what you need!

This will blanket remove all apps unless in the $WhiteListedApps array. To get a list of the apps you need to run:

Copy the value in the “Name”… Read More »